Hyphenated "-Snapshots Save" commands doesn't have options

When I save snapshots with Hyphenated commands, it does not show the option which appears when I save with snapshot panel.
This is standard? or Bug?

Also If I can save and restore snapshots with Rhinocommon, it would be nice!

Thank you so much.

Hello- it looks like everything is saved in the dash version - it would be too unwieldy, I suspect, otherwise. I do not know how easy it is to use but there is some snapshot stuff in RhinoCommon




I was hoping this would be fixed in v8 already but so far did not make the cut. The request is on the list and we could make a great use of Snapshots via macros and scriping if it let us save only the selected information. Please implement it.
Improve saving of Snapshots via command line : RH-65823 (myjetbrains.com)
