HumanUI and HOPS (?)

Hallo everybody,

Has anyone tried to create a Hops component with Human UI controls in it? would this be possible? So far Hops returns an error and doesn’t seem to accept HUI components. It would be great if this would be possible.

I strongly doubt this is possible.

This is not possible. Can you explain why you think this would be a great thing to have?

Thank you both for your responses! @stevebaer we have multiple “Template” HUIs that we use across the board. For now we need to copy them in each script we develop for internal purposes. Thus it would be very handful if we could have a Hops component instead that we feed workflow specific inputs. It could also be that we only use “UI Output” components of HUI in every unique script to set new data to the “UI elements” generated from the HOPS(?)

Because Hops execution is (or at least can be) happening outside of the running instance of rhino, this is not possible. Human UI is running as a child process of the active Rhino, so code running outside of rhino cannot communicate with it. If you need a quick way to deploy your template HUIs, consider using metahopper’s “snippets” function — you can create multi-component arrangements, save these as snippets, share them as user objects, and easily re-use those configurations across multiple scripts.


Ah, now I understand. You are trying to use hops for a reusable library and this workflow would make sense if it actually worked. As Andrew pointed out, Hops runs out of process with the Grasshopper instance that you are working in and because of that components like HUI won’t work. We might be able to make this work in the future by having some sort of “in-process” mode, but that would require changes to hops.

Thank you again both for your replies. @andheum you are totally right indeed, I will do that for the time being. I hope in general that in the future HOPS will be able to run “in-process” mode for more application like this one. Also reading Rhino files and fetching Rhino Files geometries, layers etc would be a great addition which I guess depends on the same functionality(?)! I will assume this thread as “Solved” for the time being!