Human UI wishlist

Dear @andheum,
I´m sorry to bother you,.

After many and many hours of work spent on your beautiful creation, I have noticed some things that could be implemented.


  1. The ability to manually move the control window even if the “show title bar” is disabled. Maybe have both possibilities, to fix and not fix the control window.
  2. The possibility to customize the background with a color gradient, or insert a predefined image (like the image)
  3. the possibility of having a marker under each text of the tab, to make the active tab stand out more visible (like this raw example)
    Element 2@3x


  1. Possibility to put p.e. the HumanUI logo, when the UI window is visible in the Windows task, because at the moment it takes the Rhino logo, and when so many files are active, it can be difficult to find the Human UI window (see the image)


  1. Possibility to create a text with a Hyperlink
  2. Possibility to have the PullDown Menu, as an Item selector, where the output name is not necessarily equivalent to the input name, like the GH Value List
    Value List

Thank you for your time


I no longer have time to develop Human UI. It is however an open source project, and I welcome code contributions for those who want to improve it.

So sorry to hear that Andrew. You have launched a great platform for building Grasshopper apps. I wish I had the coding capabilities to make contributions to build it forward. Best of luck with your other ventures.


With some patience, you can use “create object from xaml” and c# code to achieve some of these.

  1. The buttons in the picture are customized with a color gradient. The control window is set transparent, and filled with a rectangle object created from xaml, here you can set the gradient color.
  2. I use the “Create Seperator” component to draw the tab marker.
  3. With some code to make the control window docked at the viewport, and respond to the viewport size change. Also a button to minimize the window, and double click the toolbar to restore the window, just like grasshopper window acts.

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Thanks for all and best luck to your next project.

Thanks for the precious tips.
