Human for Rhino 7

Hi everyone.

So i installed rhinoceros 7 (trial version) and the only grasshopper plugginn which dissappear and seems unavailable to reinstall is Human.
Anyone know something about it?


Yeah I ran into same issue Human doesn’t seem to work with Rhino 7, anyone have a work around?

I’m on macOS, but Human works fine for me in Grasshopper!

@andheum, do you know what’s going on here?

My coworkers say it works on their MacOS but it doesn’t seem to work on Windows

Human works fine on rhino 7 on windows. For best results install with the package manager!


Thanks @andheum ! Took a few tries and reboots to get Human to finally show up in Grasshopper. Files are located in the correct folder. Not sure why I was having this issue. Nonetheless, using Package Manager worked :slight_smile: