If you mean the Gumball manipulation tool that displays when you select an object, the Gumball control is in the Status bar at the bottom of the Rhino application window.
These basic tools are described in the getting started video tutorials you can find on the Lean page.
I assigned your message to the Rhino for Windows category.
I do not mean to give up Gumball, but to give up the dark side, b
The dark side did not see the line
So you want to change the window background color from black to something different?
RHINO.rar (4.7 MB)
There are two ways to control background color in Rhino:
The global setting is under Options>Appearance>Colors
This is the default applied to Wireframe/Ghosted/Shaded views. However, yu can also change the background in each individual display mode - that overrides the global setting.
“Use application settings” will use the global setting above. The other settings will do as they describe, allow you to set a different background color for that particular display mode. The other display modes will not be affected.
Thanks a lot