How to trim two overlapping tubes

hi everyone :slight_smile:

The two tubes have an intersection. I want to trim the two overlapping parts from both tubes, but it doesn´t work with the “trim” command.
Does anyone know which commands to use?

Thanks so much in advance!

I would use this method:

  1. Intersect the tubes to get the curve where they meet.
  2. Plane 3Point to create the intersection plane.
  3. Scale the plane so it fully intersects the tubes.
  4. Use the plane to Trim both tubes and Cap as needed.

Maybe there’s another way with fewer steps.

thanks :slight_smile:

However, I don´t think plane is working since the curves are curved. Or did I understand it wrong?

If the intersects are curved, then the tubes aren’t meeting exactly (their centerlines don’t intersect). You can still pick three points on the intersection, and as long as they aren’t too close to the curved part, it should be a pretty clean split.

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