How to Tilt/Skew Surface/Polysurface

Hi guys!

I was wondering, how do you tilt a surface/polysurface? I made a simple box and what I want to do is to pull a straight line on the roof/top to the bottom in a half distance. These images for example,

I found some commands like CageEdit, SplitFace and MoveFace, etc. but I don’t see that helped. I managed to came up like this,

But it can’t create a surface.

However, I did create what I want for the model, but its through a complex way. I have to explode the polysurface, create a curve, and so on. Maybe there’s another way that is more simple.


Hello - the easiest way for this example is probably to make a polyline and ExtrudeCrv > Solid=Yes, with History on, then monkey with the polyline control points; for an existing object, look at SplitFace and then sub-object selecting edges and moving or gumball-ing them .


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So it is official now, To Gumball is now a type of verb.
I Gumball, I Gumballed, I am Gumballing, I have been Gumballing…

Rodolfo Santos


Can be used as an adjective too: “Man, this is totally gumballed!!!”

It’s a term people use when they feel like they are in a totally weird space… i.e. when you feel you have been constrained to moving in only specific predetermined directions, or you are feeling really stretched or twisted…


Noted, I will integrate it in my Rhino vocabulary then.

Rodolfo Santos

Next step, go meta:
A gumballesque move that lead to a serious case of gumballism.

A Gumballisation process in some way…

Rodolfo Santos

Don’t forget - “I told him to scale down his expectations, and he went totally gumballistic on me!”

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i’m not familiar with FoldFace but does that work?

Hi -

I suppose it works as intended but doesn’t have the same result. The sides also rotate.

Don’t break my Gumballs! (sorry, couldn’t resist)

I would not opt for that tool for the intended purpose, but it works as it is intended for : Folding

Gumballising Sub Objects is a fast and efficient way of folding things btw.

Rodolfo Santos

This one will be moderated …

Rodolfo Santos.

ahh. i’ve never used it but thought i’d throw it out there. :wink:

Also found this on Wikipedia:

Gumballism n.

Obscure belief found among a certain segment of the Rhinocerati population. Revolves around the belief that each individual has a central point or ‘pivot’ around which life revolves; the paths that one can follow are predetermined by the astral (c) plane anchored by the individual’s unique alignment relative to the world view.

Other parallel beliefs are that the only ‘true’ colors are red, blue and green, and that copying oneself into an ALTernate universe is possible. Individuals spend their time on quests searching for the ‘handles’ that allow them to move and turn in different directions and to change the scale of their consciousness at will; true ascendancy is achieved by the process of ‘extrusion’ whereby the individual’s astral plane is elevated and connected to a higher level resulting in a true, multidimensional existence.


that’s a good one mitch. you had me going there lol


Rhino users or Gumballers spend their time on quests searching for the ‘handles’ that allow them to move and turn in different directions and to change the scale of their models at will;

Rodolfo Santos

Some Rhino users do not use Gumball.


Some Rhino users or ** Some Gumballers** spend their time on quests searching for the ‘handles’ that allow them to move and turn in different directions and to change the scale of their models at will;

Rodolfo Santos

Oh, that’s awesome. Now I understand the SplitFace command. Thanks guys for answering this forum!