How to shorten solid keeping end angle?

HI, Is there a variant of the scale command that allows me to change the length of an object without affecting the shape of the ends? I know I can move the face in my example (and push pull has a 'failed to unionize" error), but in some cases with complicated ends to an object, this will not work. Past posts suggest multi command approaches. I am curious if in the last years a single command will achieve this.

Simple example:
shorter.3dm (162.7 KB)

PushPull may be usefuf when the end is defined by a single surface. Rhinoceros Help

Not a single command but EditPtOn and moving the edit points of one end can be used to shorten the object in the examle without changing the shape. Rhinoceros Help

another option:
build the initial profile
use shear to get the 45-degree version
mirror the curve to the other end
turn on history

now moving the initial curve will update the profile.

Hi Grant,

Are you able to post one of these examples that do not work? As you seem to know what’s what with your simple example, solving those may be more helpful.
