how can i change rotation key in rhino from right mouse button to middle mouse button . it’s really hard to me because i work with different program (solid works , …) and almost in all of them you can rotate with middle mouse
Go to Options - Mouse - Middle Mouse Button
Most of the other progs I use
Fusion 360
All use middle button to pan and +shift to rotated…how is it possible to emulate this in R6?
well i made all my other packages work like rhino, the middle mouse is set to _MaxViewport, for me personally the most logical way to navigate.
Of course its subjective…I use a lot of other packages as well including DAWs like cubase (snce 87) and Ableton etc. The left mouse is always positive and right (from history) is always context. Middle mouse is then graded by to visual nav and graded by freq of use ie pan is used a lot more than rotate and scroll mm is zoom in out so mm has always been the natural ‘view’ button
It takes some time to map efficient workflows but if I use a package enough, it gets mapped to a tartarus…its wow material for ergonomics
sure you are creating something in a music app either, but it is so far away from what you usually would do in a cad 3D package that i personally dont mind the navigation to be completely different… on the other side i completely understand that it hurts the muscle memory when you have to switch navigation in similar processes. just imagine you rent a car in cypress and try to get in, suddenly realising having driven your entire life on the right side that the stirring wheel is not where its supposed to be and you were brave enough to order a non automatic gear box. believe me there is a reason that the number plates of rented cars there have a different colour for everybody to see. you definitely notice on the extreme different (dangerous) driving style that somebody had different navigational experiences before.
I have experienced that as I live in Sydney but visit relatives in Hamburg.
Your point is actually correct but the fact that all cars (at this point) have stop/go/turn using familiar wheel and pedals is exactly my point.
When mmouse buttons first appeared, they were an option only on PC (primarily) and released the l/r buttons to exact actionable outcomes and the mm was primarily for navigation
The music apps still have the same spatial navigation req. of zoom/pan/rotate (when using spectral editing) etc so would be super nice to have the same muscle response
Im simply asking for a bit of flexibility to allow this (if it doesnt exist)
Anyway, the answer I get is no…thanks for the chat!