How to orient a curve from left to right using grasshopper?

Good morning,

Can anyone help me with some information:

How to orient a curve from left to right using grasshopper?

Analyze the direction of the original curve, and always leave it from left to right.

Thanks for your attention,


use the flip curve component with a reference curve

Can you show me this inside grasshopper?
The structure of how to assemble it? (5.2 KB)


Thank you very much!

Well … this is a very optimitic - so to speak - way of thinking (having the general case in mind - if a genenal case exists anyway [ it doesn’t] ).

Have some fun with one of my Interview C#'s on that matter and try to think other Methods than the 2 provited to cut the mustard. (131.7 KB)

Ah I see, you take an average of the tangent directions and compare those. Nice.
With the curves you posted the flip curve still works btw:

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Yes … that was the optimistic take of the story.