Dear @maje90
(my english is not better then yours ;-D, no reason to excuse)
For a longer perspective i recommend to start programming rhino-Plug-ins with Visual Studio, using Rhino Common and skip grasshopper. To get live-update you can use display conduits while a command is running - and asking the user for stepwise input. Or have geometry with custom data, … many concepts are possible…
I think there is a certain size of grasshopper-Definition, where the benefit of the low threshold to access the technology via visual programming is no longer justified in comparison to text based, object orientated, type save programming. (with harder start, less visual, but much more tools to organise code and readability, much stronger approaches to organise data and logic)
I am looking forward to see, how other users suggest to structure this big definitions.
Regarding this aspect i love this topic:
sorry for not having a short term solution / answer. kind regards -tom