I’m trying to make rib under my surface.
I made ribs with crv, but how can I make rib connected with my surface?
I already did with extrude, but it is not I want.
rib smoothly.3dm (941.6 KB)
Thank you for replying.
Where can I get ‘srhinkwrap’ grasshopper? I don’t have it.
Also, Can I maek that ribs connected with surface smoothly like ETH-smart slab?
Sincerly, Cham
That is from Rhino 8.
There are many alternatives.
Yes, you can.
you can use Dendro, it is an OpenVdb version in Grasshopper. it is there since Rhino 6 so there are many examples. Just take care of the settings as you model is big the voxel size must be similar, here 50. There are aslo may way of smoothing, windows size, type of smoothing, itteration. You can aslo add some mask to not smooth certain parts. …
And if you want clean surface you can use you initial surface to make some clean tools to substract from Dendro smoothing.
I added here some cuts in your curve. Like that some closed curves are cutted and now could be lofted.
rib V0 Dendro.gh (3.5 MB)
Thank you for helping me. I think what you done is my solution.
However, I don’t have some plugins of grasshopper.
Can you tell me which plugin I don’t have?
(I think one of them is 'populate mesh randomly)
populate mesh randomly is from Nautilus plugin (my tool).
Don’t use Grasshopper populate for big number of points it is too long.
There must be a standalone component here
You can replace populate mesh randomly with a mesh offset component in order to give volume to the mesh.
And you need Dendro
Thanks to you, the problem is solved.
Lastly, since I’m using Rhino 7. is there any plugin I can use instead of ‘shrink wrap’?
ShrinkWrap is like Dendro. It is just not packaged in the same way nor have the same option. But they are both using grid technique to get meshes. If you don’t optimize mesh, booth tools shows the grid they use.
Here a difference with no optimization
1% optimization and edge length = 0.5
Offset in Dendro could be bad, so sometimes it is better to make it using spheres
Thank you, Can I ask more questions?
- I want to control the depth of the brep and the rib that are offseted.
What factors can I adjust? - Could I make some holes on the brep to get skylight?
I’m sorry for bothering you.
Thank you
No problem If I want to help I’ll help. If not there are many helpers on this forum. @Quan_Li did most of the work. And on this forum we are from all the World so we haven’t all the same time zone.
To control the thickness of the Brep there is 2 options
- you offset the brep in Rhino or Grasshopper and make it solid and you feed it as mesh in Dendro.
In Grasshopper not legacy tools allow to offset a brep so you can offset surface.
with that you will have a solid to add in Dendro.
rib smoothly.gh (117.0 KB)
If you want a precise/better surface on top, you could make the shape a bit thicker (red) then make a tool to substract (white).
you could cut the brep of mesh of you whole shape, then offset it inward, then extrude it to make tools to cut with Dendro.
So first cut the mesh with Nautilus tool, could be done in Rhino but it is not good in R7. If in R8 it is good.
Then curves are offseted on a plane. If you want round edge with a radius of 100and offset of 100, offset first at 100+100then back to 100.
Then extrude
Then choose the cutter you want to keep
polyline extrude.gh (674.8 KB)
I tried the grasshopper that you sent to me.
I set the value of ‘offset surface’ 150, rib depth 400, and the rib width 200, but in the ‘smooth volume’, the slab and the rib didn’t be merged.
How I can fix it?
1207.gh (263.6 KB)
Rib V1 Dendro .gh (776.4 KB)
No need to install plugins except Dendro.
Dendro doc.
dendro grasshopper docs.pdf (2.0 MB)
Thank you.
However Since the slab size has changed, I set the crv, and brep again, but union is not working…
Could you please check?
New Rib_Mcneel Forum.3dm (3.4 MB)
Rib V1 Dendro_Mcneel forum.gh (31.4 KB)
Check the Dendro doc.