I have created diamond panels, There I need to get the bottom center of all tri panels.
Question 5.gh (5.9 KB)
I have created diamond panels, There I need to get the bottom center of all tri panels.
Question 5.gh (5.9 KB)
Thank you so much Dowazura ,
Question 5.gh (13.0 KB)
As is often the case in GH, there are so many ways to solve the same problem.
Here is another approach.
Question 5_V2.gh (7.6 KB)
This only works if you alter the U value to get triangular panels in the corners though right?
Works for every Even/Even U/V. For other 3 combinations O/E, E/O and O/O Stream Filter should be used to alter discontinuity points. Good eye thou
@junaid thank you Junaid
@Adam_M Thank you, Adam, it’s a much simpler way I guess
@Jakinta Thank you Jakinta for your different approach