i would like to add a command to the grasshopper to give control points and be able to keep scaling individual points like marked in the photo attached. in other words , i want to make an area of the model narrow and a part wider and so on to distort the symmetry in the 3d model . How do i do this ? and thanks in advance
GH.gh (10.9 KB)
This might be not what you expect, anyway, here’s another approach of doing similar…
GH_re.gh (11.8 KB)
It is actually close to what i wanted so thank you . i have a question please , the triangle panels don’t show unless i bake the last command but unfortunately they don’t appear in the rendered form , so how could i show the triangles? and thanks in advance
Random radii can easily be arranged. If you want each vertex point to be independently random, that’s more work?
poly_tower_2023Mar14a.gh (25.4 KB)
Sounds like you are having a mesh edge display problem…
In GH, you can check Display–>Preview Mesh Edges(Ctrl+M).
Thank you so much . I am just trying to understand how to change the scale of a single polygon without changing the others with it . For example , the square at the top , how do i make it narrower ?
yes it did solve the problem , thank you so much .
i have another question please , i added a third circle with a different radius. However the pattern is always circle 0 , circle 1, then circle 2 . so could i change the pattern at some point ? for example , make it 0,1,2 then 1,2,0 ?
and thanks in advance
The code was designed to alternate between ‘Radius’ and ‘Scale’ times ‘Radius’. You could specify radius per floor, but that requires a separate slider for each floor.
poly_tower_2023Mar15a.gh (24.9 KB)
Or you could make radius random:
poly_tower_2023Mar15b.gh (25.1 KB)
Of course, you can join all the floors together and Cap Holes to make a solid.
P.S. And/or you can get each floor directly using the cluster ‘Poly’ output.
this is really helpful . thank you so much.
thank you very much!!