How to make an object collide and push another

Hi everyone, please I need your help with this problem. I am trying to simulate water beneath a cylinder to push the cylinder upwards- the cylinder is tethered to the floor by [elastic] ropes. I used a rectangle to simulate the water and collide with the cylinder but it bounces back while the cylinder rises on its own.
Please can someone help me solve this? Or do I need to use a different system than the rectangle? maybe an inflating system instead? @DanielPiker

This is the file:
floating collision (40.9 KB)

Happy to add any more information needed! Thank you and Please help! @DanielPiker

Hi @Hope_1

I’m a bit confused by this definition. Can you make an image of the intended result?

For simulating an object floating, this definition may be what you need:

Hi @DanielPiker thank you for your reply!

There is a complex model but I am using this to test out ideas. I am basically trying to simulate a cylinder that’s attached to elastic strings and floats as water beneath it rises, but the strings keep the cylinder in one place so it does not float away. Please see the description below:

I have used the script and it works well, thank you! ! and the strings are attached too which is great but now the system bends as it rises in the water.

Please can you suggest ways I can achieve the following:

  • keep the cylinder in the z direction so it doesn’t bend as it rises
    -a way to simulate rise in the water level (I need to measure this and the final height the cylinder rises to, in the complex model).

Thank you very much for your help with this! This is the updated model:
floating collision (54.6 KB)

the first thing that comes to my mind is to apply an AnchorXYZ with Z=True on the 4 connection points between the cylinder and the ropes, in such a way to force those to move just vertically, but don’t know if the expected final behavior is as you expect:

floating collision (57.2 KB)

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