How to join smoothly two objects of different shapes?

Hi folks, I’m sure this is going to be super simple for many of you here, but I just can’t find the right command to interpolate a smooth join between two hollow solids of different shapes… in this case a round pipe to a square pipe so I can get a custom joiner 3D printed.
Thanks in advance!

There are a few ways to do that. Try _BlendSrf first

Here you go

Thank you both Martin and Gurkan. I had found that but got frustrated because without ChainEdges it wouldn’t work for me, and I didn’t work out why. Had to do it once for inner and once for outer surfaces of the two pipes and then I was smiling. I thought there’d be a command to join solids by selecting two faces rather than having to create inner and outer surfaces from edges. (I’m only operating in Rhino6 still - maybe this is available in 7 or 8). Anyway, thanks again!

no, there is no such tool neither 7 or 8. so yes, surfaces would have to be blended manually. i also cant recall ever having seen a tool in any other app that blends two solids together in that manner.

what does work is if you have the boundary curves of these faces or you can create them with DupFaceBorder, loft then would create a surface from them

if the object is closed it is by definition not hollow but a solid.

There’s the bridge command for SubD and meshes but that’s slightly different…

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