How to join open polysurface with closed solids

Hello, Im migrating from Sketchup to Rhino and having some modeling difficulties. Here’s one: I have this situation, with a closed solid connected to a 3 faces object (open polysurfaces). I Want to join them, then cap. To create a solid. How do I make it? Whats the best option here, for constant modeling like this?

Here’s the file:
Join Solid and faces.3dm (151.7 KB)

Hi Gustavo, one way would be to loft the ends of the open polysurface and join, then Boolean join all together. Push /Pull modeling could help here as well. Gumball also helps. —-Mark

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for this specific situation you could also use Box then Boolean Union. like @markintheozarks mentioned gumball extrude also would do fine, here set the drag style to snappy (click on that white circle for the options) then click and drag the dot on the gumball and point to an edge it will extrude to that part. one more option would be ExtrudeSrf which might be even faster. you also have OffsetSrf but that does not work as intuitive as Extrude since it requires a numerical entry.

there are more options but they all have their strength in their specific user case, would not make sense to point them all out :smiley:

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just for others that dig into this topic.
I would claim _box and _booleanUnion solves it

as the issue is quite easy:
(screenshots from file)

u-shape surface to close by redrawing with _box:

kind regards - tom

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