How to have better control of mesh texture displacement

Hi, I have here a script where I have used an image sampler to project the bitmap texture of a weaving pattern onto a surface.

however I want to have more control of how much or how big it projects from the surface (like this :

perhaps that can be done using a slider to change the parameters?

I want to have a more 3d object than just a textured surface, with a result similar to this project here:

any idea how to change my script or how I can achieve that result?

thank you for any help!

weave texture question.3dm (4.5 MB) weave texture (28.2 KB)

Your image is very low resolution; only 132 by 98 pixels. Still, I find it useful to match the aspect ratio and resolution of the image, like this:

weave (35.3 KB)

Curves are internalized, no need for Rhino file.

P.S. R5 version (Multiplication)
weave (19.3 KB)


Fantastic awner Joseph.

Doolittles, I do not understand what is your final gold. But looks like you would get a complex mesh + tessellation + bump mapping. Probably what you refer to a textured surface could be bump normal mapping (normal texture) that is inside the material shader and you what to recreate that as real displacement.

There is also another option that is call displacement tessellation that is not inside the material but inside the properties of the object (Dx10 Dx11, Dx12). For that, you need to assign a grayscale texture with high information.

My approach as an artist is to build up the complex displacement textures using Substance Designer, Blender graph, Unreal or Unity shader graph. Because like an artist you what to explore the possibility. And later depends on the final output (STL 3D print, CN, rendering, real time rendering) bake that tessellation into triangles polygons if is the case. So your output is important.

Yes, you can use Grasshopper to make the patterns inside waves but potentially could take a lot of computational resources if you make an entire building. If is a wall can be ok. So in my approach first I explore outside looking for the texture, and when I know what I want to do, I reproduce the graph in a clean way.

I always recommend looking at Youtube for Grasshopper video tutorials similar of what you are trying to achieve. Here there is a list:

Using a different image as input (1284 X 722 pixels) reveals that the output is flipped horizontally.

Or more likely I’m looking at it from the wrong side:

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Cleaning that wall cloud be a nightmare in tropical areas! I like the idea as a placeholder of insects. Horizontal lines are so cool and calm… very relaxing.

Thank you very much!