How to generate Schwartz P and Gyroid lattice structure?

I am a beginner of Rhino and Grasshopper. Please guide me how to make Schwartz P and Gyroid Structure. Thanks

Link of both structure:

Hello many of these subjects were already treated so use a search engine google, bing qwant … with your keyword and grasshopper. There is also a search button on this forum and on

I already tried to search it from google. There is one code available for evolver software but i haven’t found any thing making these structures using grasshopper. If you know any relevant link, pls share here. Thanks in advance

Yeah, I know one. Called google …
several threads and plugins.

And so on

I tried to use the plugin Tim just reffered but I got this error message.

You’ll want to type “Grasshopper” in the command line and in the grasshopper window drag and drop that file.

… and remember to unblock it first in Windows Explorer.