Schwarz P Minimal Surface

Hello everyone,
I’m particularly interested in the Schwarz P minimal surface, and I’ve been reproducing it using the various methods on other grasshopper threads. I’ve found using Mesh+ Schwarz P volumetric mesh to be the simplest and gives the cleanest output (gh file attached). My only issue is that I can’t constrain the outer rings to perfect circles, and I wonder if there is a way to do this? (see pics attached). I don’t mind whether the final output is a mesh or brep as long as there is good continuity between each face/surface.
Thanks for any help with this!

GH - Help (1).gh (24.6 KB)

The true mathematically defined Schwarz P minimal surface actually doesn’t have perfectly circular sections.
(though they are very close - the radius varies by about 0.4%)

Here’s a simple relaxation with periodic boundaries that keeps the tangency: (15.4 KB)
(edit - uploaded the wrong file first time)

There’s an option there for if you want to force the sections on the unit cell to be circular.


Ahh that’s interesting, thank you for letting me know!
Also, thank you for the definition!

Also here’s a NURBS version for if you want things really smooth

schwarz_P_Nurbs.3dm (281.0 KB)


Hi Daniel,

Could you please share how you create the NURBS version of Schwartz P surface? Now I have a mesh model where I can specify the box size, box scale, and number of mesh faces. However, when I use the “MeshToNURB” command, the quality depends on the mesh faces…

Thank you,
Ke Ma