The sphere should as large as possible until it makes contact with the structs. Maybe the center of the sphere is not the center of the cell. As picture shows below, the sphere is small.
Read what you have posted, it is exactly as described:
Sphere having centre as the centroid of the polyhedral voronoi cell and radius equal to shortest distance to the cylindrical surface of beam
If you need them to touch all the struts, it is nearly impossible (only possible in certain voronoi polyhedras, can’t be guaranteed). A sphere can only be defined by 4 points, of which 3 need to be co-planar.
Also, try to define exactly what you want in the first post, so that it is easier for others to help you
In the image from the paper looks voronoi cells from equal spheres.
Voronoi cells in grasshopper have different volumes, you need something like TriRemesh in 3d space
Daniel, Another question. I downloaded the Plug-in Topologizer.GHA , and put it in the library folder. But it doesn’t show up in my GH . What is the reason?