How to generate a surface from a spiral

I was wondering if there is a way to create an outer surface for a spiral single curve using grasshopper.

Thank you!

There’s a hundred ways to fry a fish in Rhino. A sketch or a screenshot of your first attempt would be helpful to understand your end-goal.

Yes! Sorry about it.

This is what I was talking about. If you check my last post you can see the details about what exactly I am talking about, but I had to rewrite it since no one answered. I don’t know if I hadn’t explained myself correctly.

Even Better to share your model, this is not a straight loft thing you need to manage your curves first.

Here it is! As I said before though, the full explanation is in my first post:

Still, here is my model if you want to give it a try. (13.2 KB)

I see 2 ways.
Points cloud tool like Cockroach

Or a tool lfir isosurfacing like Dendro/openvdb Millipede/Chromodoris

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Dendro option can work like this if needed


Here the 3 ways to transform points to mesh, nothing very new as it is classical methods that are described on numerous discussions.

Like I said and @tay.othman showed, Dendro could be used. The main things in Dendro is to carefully set the voxel size (1 here) in order to not have very big mesh. The second is too choose the good radius, 7 here. But that part is upt to you. Radius Ăąust be 3 time larger than voxel size. Adapt voxel size if you want lower radius like 2.

The second tool is pointCloud processing, I used Rhino CockRoach.
Bake the points in Rhino
Transform these points to pointcloud
Use Cockroach command Cockroach_MeshPoisson
But you can also use Cockroach inside Grasshopper, see the examples provided inside Cockroach.

The 3d way mixed the 2 others in order to have the “surface”. You can use iso splitting of mesh or Mesh Split (a bit longer) (453.2 KB)


So an update on this guys, I have been cracking my head a little bit and haven’t been able to use Dendro or Cockroach, mainly because my GH knowledge is basic and close to none, so everything I am doing is just trial and error. Even with the files you shared, I still cannot really understand how they work or use them correctly. I will be dedicating this weekend to learn about the plug-ins and see how I can use them to my advantage in creating this.

I also had a meeting yesterday with a professor of mine where we created some planes, then took the points that intersected with them so as to divide the shape into vertical sections. Screenshots added as well as the .gh file. This kind of worked but we weren’t able to order the points to try and get the “contour” and then replicate that with every plane to try and then make a loft between these, but this did not work as intended. Here is what we came up with: (20.5 KB)

Now about Cockroach
Thank you tay.0 and Laurent Delrieu for your responses. Like you guys said, I am confident I should be able to use these plug-ins to obtain the inner volume of the shape, but creating the pointcloud and then baking them into Rhino was not succesful for me, therefore I will be trying it again and updating you guys on these.

Thank you so much again for your interest!

Edit: You may also see that the shape has changed a little bit, that is because I finally decided to choose another attractor that better suits its purpose.

Bake you points in Rhinoceros
In rhino type command : PointCloud
and select all the points

Then command : Cockroach_MeshPoisson and in downsample put all the points (50 000)

You will get a mesh.

I remeshed it with command :QuadRemesh
here it is

I used command : toSubd
to have a smooth mesh

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And the same thing inside Grasshopper. I reused Cockroach examples ( :clap: :+1:to @Petras1 ) to better understand how it works in Grasshopper. (9.9 KB)


Wow thank you so much Laurent!!
That is exactly what I wanted and it came out amazing. Took me some time because I couldn’t get Rhino to show the Cockroach commands since I had only installed the Grasshopper plug-in and not the Rhino one but it is all good now.

Thank you!

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