How to fix disorder after split brep multiple?

I use component split brep multiple. After split I use List Item to check. There something wrong
with Index 0

With Index 1

I guess they should be in order.
How could I fix it?
P/s I follow this tutorial Rhino Grasshopper Modeling Kisefos Museum by BIG - YouTube
04.Rhino Grasshopper Modeling Kisefos Museum by BIG.3dm (7.2 MB)
04.Rhino Grasshopper Modeling Kisefos Museum by (24.2 KB)

I’m not using Pufferfish so I can’t check the entire definition.

You can sort the resulting Breps according to their Y-coordinates. You can add the file below to your definition. (2.8 KB)

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I didn’t see your reference tutorial, but this could yield pretty much the same result for sure…

04.Rhino Grasshopper Modeling Kisefos Museum by (23.3 KB)


Thank @martinsiegrist It work well

Thank @HS_Kim Your method look interesting. I will try after finish this tutorial.

Hi @HS_Kim
I try your method. There’s something wrong in step of Explode Tree.

Could you give me advice

04.Rhino Grasshopper Modeling Kisefos Museum by BIG - other method.3dm (192.2 KB)
04.Rhino Grasshopper Modeling Kisefos Museum by BIG - other (29.4 KB)


? Did U download and check the file I’ve posted above?
RMB on Explode Tree and check the option “Match Outputs”…

Great. It work now.
Yes I open your file and try to replicate it from scratch. (the way I learn)
