How to find center point of circle in Rhino 8

There should have a center point option like in rhino 7. (Sorry about the rhino language using) I think the option must be somewhere but I didn’t search out and really understand sometimes center point selection is annoying in the previous version.
Thanks if anyone can help me.

Hello @cason

pls send the file for inspection. Normally Center Osnap should work for circles.

Hi @cason
From the number of check boxes I reckon what you’re seeing is the selection filter (where you can limit your selection to eg. only curves, only points etc.), not the osnaps. Use ShowOsnap (and then Show) to bring the dialog box back and then dock it where you want it, eg. at the bottom.
HTH, Jakob

Thank you for your response, my problem has been resolved.

Thank you very much,I’m shocked that I didn’t know about this feature!