How to fillet these edges

Can anyone recommend a method for making a concave blend between these two surfaces please ?
I have duplicated the edge between them but had no success with using the curve as a rail…my only solution so far has been to pipe the curve but of course that is convex…
none of the filletsrf seem to work because there are more than two surfaces.

surface_fillet.3dm (3.4 MB)

I would suggest FilletSrf and clicking inside of the shape to have “inside” fillet. Wireframe mode will help.

UPD. I think I misunderstood the question.
Yes, regular FilletEdge mentioned below should be perfect.

I am not sure what you mean by “inside”

try FilletEdge

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which edge and settings did you use please…there is one common edge to both surfaces…is that what you used ?

Yes, i selected all the edges between the two surfaces

That’s very pleasing, thankyou…I only hope I can weld the metal that smoothly…

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