How to export rhino camera view to another rhino file?


How do I export rhino camera view to another rhino file?

Hi Diana,

You can do it from NamedView panel → Import Named Views. This will bring all the named views from the file you are importing from.
The other way around is, you can select any single object in the file you want the views exported from and Export Selected to Rhino format. The file will remember all named views, that can be imported via the 1st method.

For more advanced way of doing it with only specific views from a file, you can check out this script by @clement:




Thank you, Jarek!

Sorry about necroing this post, but I found another quicker way to export a named view to another file without using a script.
In the source file, open the Set View/Named View dialog.
Drag and drop the view you want to duplicate in the other opened 3dm file (to the main view).
The view should immediatly change in the new file.
Then you need to save it in the new file with the same dialog. Note that the name is prefilled in the dialog, so you just have to save it.

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This tip is so helpful! So much smoother than the import from 3dm file work flow. Life saver for the day!!