How to edit subD surface offset directions for individual subD edges

How do I individually edit subD offset directions for individual subD face edges?

Here is an open subD surface that I want to offset in the outwards direction but as you can see, the offset directions are not uniform and the offset output is useless. FlipAll obviously won’t work either…

Hello - can you post a file with that object?


subD_Offset_Issue_before_offset.3dm (200.4 KB)

Hello - it looks like RemoveCrease and window the entire object sorts out the direction anomalies.


Thanks Pascal,

Those creases must have been left over from when I filled the hole (end rib of the wing) and creased it to keep it square.

Some wing faces were from obj mesh and other were 3Dfaces I inserted, not sure how the creases got so disoriented but I ‘assumed’ that when I deleted the end rib face and it went from a closed to an open subD, that the naked edges created by opening the subD would no longer have any creasing properties left. Is there any reason for a naked edge to have a crease property? If not, it would be nice of the crease properties of naked edges get removed as they are created. The crease properties of these naked edges caused me grief and you saved me :slight_smile:

EDIT: But yes there is a need to have naked edges creased since creasing seems to not only put a crease at the edge but it also preserves the full shape of the edge curve.

This fact causes me issues when I try to square up my wings ‘end’ rib since end rib shape has to remain a clunky shape made of straight lines versus the smooth shape which the wing profile morphs to just outboard of the creased end rib. Are there any ways to fix this clunky end rib shape caused by creasing (assuming I want a full solid subD wing and not a solid offset surfaced wing skin)?