Hi, I’m fairly well versed in Blender, and have been learning Rhino 5 for Mac over the past week. Now that I’ve created a good closed object, is there a way to grab parts of the mesh (faces/planes, edges, or vert/points) individually and move them around and have the rest of the parts adjust accordingly, like in Blender? Or, should I export an stl to edit there and reimport?
In short, Rhino doesn’t work that way with meshes. It’s a NURBS modeler first and foremost but can be used to process and repair meshes. There are deformation commands like CageEdit but you won’t have the sub-d style of modeling I think you’re looking for. It’s strength is just a different geometry language. With that said, you can use obj files back and forth with Blender.
Thank you! Does Rhino prefer obj over stl?
Billy Props, LLC
Rhino doesn’t but I find Blender works best with obj. I’ll also layout my UVs in Rhino (Mac Rhino doesn’t have all the UV tools though so keep that in mind!) and that info will travel with obj. I also like to get as many quads as possible in Rhino first by using QuadrangulateMesh. I’ll sometimes use ReduceMesh and Weld as well to reduce doubles in Blender.
I switched to STLs on Blender a while back and noticed no change. I only use them for prototyping, so uv and material needs don’t affect me. Good to know Rhino doesn’t care. Thanks again for all the info.
Billy Props, LLC