I am very new in AutoCad and Rhino. It is my third day of trying Rhino. I imported a drawings I made in AutoCad and I am almost ready with main geometry of a building. I tried to have all clined and organized with layers. I started to apply materials and I found out that it is not (?) possible to apply different materials for different faces as in Blender and 3DS Max. I want bricks material outside main walls and white paint material inside on the same walls. I exploded walls and it was not enough. I had to delete face inside and create two faces (1st floor and 2nd floor). Each floor has its own color of the walls.
You can see 3 different problems on the picture:
- Can I apply different materials on a different faces and/or maybe model it in a completely different way?
- Can I edit edges, faces in a similar way as in Blender, 3DS Max, etc? I used Boolean and I see new faces, edges which I do not want.
- How can I copy and move this beam up on the z axis?