How to draw a circle or arc tangent to line and against an endpoint

How would I draw the radius on the right side? Note that it intersects the far right edge 3 inches down.

Bunch of ways. Maybe:

Using the Circle>2Pt option, with “From” object snap and Ortho, type 3 and Enter to find the tangent point 3" down, then pull the circle out horizontally and type 4 and enter to get diameter. Then trim away part of the circle you don’t want.


Circle>Center, using the “From” object snap from the point above and typing r2,-3 (relative coordinates to the center) then starting the circle at the vertical side where its tangent and click to set. Then trim as above.

@Helvetosaur Thanks, but I can not seem to follow your instructions. I suspect part of the problem is the image does not make the details of the shapes clear.
I have attached the drawing I am working on.
The gold circle indicates aporox. where the circle should be: tangent to the sloping line, and intersecting a point three inches (75mm) down the side vertical line, with a 50mm radius.

Fold-flat Sawhorse.3dm (86.2 KB)

Hmm, Ok, that is quite a different problem, from the image above I was not so sure.

You already have the green line at the intersect point, otherwise you could put a temporary point object there.

  • Circle>Tangent
  • Select the sloping curve as your tangent curve
  • Type in 50 to fix the radius
  • Move the cursor up to the intersection point and click to set
  • Done (if I understood correctly)

Fold-flat Sawhorse-msh1.3dm (2.2 MB)

this also works with _arc

pick curve
enter radius
pick point
select the correct arc

… not super obvious in the video, i am pressing enter for the 25 to confirm

See, I knew it would be easy…if I knew more. Thanks all for the help!

@Tom_P An unrelated question: I like your command windows - the listing of the options below is a bit more obvious. How can I enable that?

that s the mac version.

Too bad.