Hi there,
I know this topic has been explored in previous posts (including one of mine)
However I can’t seem to find a solution that works for me.
(similar to my previous post) I have a facade made of planar cells that I want to be tight to a building massing.
Attached is my script where that is almost there, the thing that I’m missing is some kind of collision detection to ensure that none of the faces can pass through the massing. I am using guide rails to ensure that none of the vertices go into the massing, but theres no collision with edges.
I thought about subdivding my mesh to have more resultion for the guide rails, but it was getting messy/ugly and does not guarantee sucess…
I was wondering if there someone could suggest a more elegant solution?
Kind regards,
240819_Kangaroo_Rigid_Body_Test.gh (175.3 KB)