How to cut windows out of a curved surface?!

Hi, I have an urgent question for a uni project and I have searched all over the web but can’t find the answer!! I am trying to cut out these windows on a curved wall but the ones on the curve WILL NOT CUT and just say invalid curve. Any idea what that means and how I can cut them out?? I have attached a picture of what I’m trying to do below. Any help would be appreciated thank you so much

It looks like you’ve already extruded that face as a solid - try cutting all your holes on the outer face first, joining your surfaces and THEN doing your offset. That should do the trick.


Sorry I don’t think I understand…these were existing walls I imported from revit, and now I’m trying to cut holes out of them but when I get to the ones that are wrapped around the curve it won’t let me make a hole

Hi @India_Phelan-Boyd , I believe he is saying if you take the surface face of the wall that is closest to us in the view, the “outer” surface of your solid wall, split/cut that polysurface with your blue window cutter lines. Join the cut surface results and the offset the cut surface back into a solid wall.

TLDR it’s easier to trim/split with “2D” geometry and then make it “3D” then vice versa (usually).

Hope that helps, let us know if you’re stuck still

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Use ExtractSrf to get the outer faces of that wall panel - this way your “wall” is infinitely thin, but has your window cutouts on them. Then Split/Trim your windows, and then OffsetSrf to get them back to your desired thickness.

Hi @India_Phelan-Boyd
As an alternative to extracting the front surface, splitting and offsetting, you can use the Fin command on the projected curves and then use BooleanSplit to cut the holes.
HTH, Jakob

you should just post your file that people dont have to brainstorm for hours, common its not so difficult to work together.

second this

thanks so much for everyone’s help! I am back to work on it today so I will give your suggestions a try. Here is my file
indiascomicstore0409.3dm (6.8 MB)

I managed to cut them using fin + boolean intersection but it changed the look of the surface and there are lots of ugly lines…is this normal?
In addition, it will not extract the surface with the windows on it
Screenshot 2023-09-07 112255

Trims are inherently “messy/dense” so the lines you are seeing are to be expected. You can always turn off Isocurves and Edges in your display tab. The idea is to take just your outside wall, and to trim the windows on those surfaces. It should look like this:

Then make sure those three surfaces are Joined into one polysurface, and then OffsetSrf with Solid=Yes and your distance to 300 mm:

This keeps your window cuts all in the localized normal direction of the surface.


WallOffset.3dm (3.2 MB)

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thank you so much!!

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sorry one more question: how to project the curves onto the curved part of the surface without them going distorted?

One way would be to cut it all as a flat wall of the appropriate length, and then use FlowAlongSrf to bend it