How to create this "golden cube"

Hi I have these curves but can’t make the shape in one command.
I do it by dividing them and creating a surface through Surface from network of curves and then Mirror until I get the whole shape.

The problem is that for some reason the seams aren’t tangent and i get small peaks instead of a smooth surface. Can you do it seamlessly without dividing the curves? I attach the file bellow.
prueba.3dm (58.9 KB)

have you looked at _Railrevolve?

Rhinoceros Help - RailRevolve | Rhino 3-D modeling (


See attached pls

I created a solid by extruding closed curve (red) in Z direction with both sides. Than fillet edges…

Hope that will help you

prueba_YA.3dm (257.9 KB)

Thank you guys, both ways worked great. Rail revolve it’s exactly what I needed :pray:

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dear @Fernando_Ruiz

maybe check the exact shape of the planar top / bottom.
(and therefor define it with a second curve ?)

will extend the shape of the quarter / half circle at the diagonal. (it will become a partly ellipse)
not sure if this is your design intention.
check the section in the diagonal. compare green and red curve:

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Great attention to detail. That’s why i could’t get tangent seams before. It’s not really important in this case but many thanks for suggesting