How to Create and Alignment Lip

Alignment Lip.3dm (1.5 MB)
I need to create an alignment lip for bonding the battery box to the inner surface of the aerostructure. I extracted the edge of the lip on the batter box, offset by 0.15 mm for clearance, offset again 2 mm for structure, and then extruded 1.5 mm to form a closed polysurface. Examining the alignment lip (red), I noticed that the spacing between the alignment lip and the battery box lip is not constant, and the two appear to intersect. What sequence should I have used to correctly design the lip with a constant clearance of 0.15 mm?

Hi Ronald,
I redid your lip (in blue) with a 0.15 mm gap to the flange of the housing.

Alignment Lip_2.3dm (1.7 MB)

Hi Dorihope … I teach kids around the world how to use Rhino … Could you please explain how you redid the lip with a uniform 0.15mm gap, and perhaps speculate why my approach failed?

Hi Ronald - what I see is that the red thing appears to have been extruded vertically and the battery box edge is tapered - probably extruded normal to the wing surface - is that what we are looking at?


Hi Pascal,

With several students working on this project, I have not kept tabs on who extruded what vertical or along the surface. I think you discovered the issue. I will try again extruding the alignment lip along the surface.

Hi Pascal … Indeed you are correct. I will try again extruding the alignment lip normal to the wing surface.

Hi Ronald,

About the modeling

  • extracted the edge surface of your housing (magenta) and then split that approximately at the tangent points as per the blue lines
  • made a poly-surface out of the resulting surfaces
  • offset that poly-surface once for 0.15 mm, and once more for 2.0 mm
  • for top and bottom faces I extracted the corresponding surfaces, and untrimmed and re-trimmed then joined everything into the the blue rib (or lip as you call it)

About the manufacturing

  • if whatever you have in your file is printed all is good
  • if however this is molded or die-cast, please don’t do it; you will have to produce that rib according to a die vector so the workflow from above will no longer work
  • when a die vector is being used, the sides of the lip will need to be drafted for mold release according to the said vector

I wish you luck with your project.

Hi Dorihope … Thanks for the more detailed instructions … These will be much appreciated by the students … The Alignment Lip will be part of the aerostructure which we fabricate using a process developed at Rapid Composites ( The battery box will be 3d printed and bonded to the upper and lower aerostructures during assembly.

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