How to create a logo and maintain a transparent surface

I’m trying to create a logo on glass bottle for a render so only the text shows as a surface detail, not the surrounding area. Id like the material around each letter to still read as glass.

I have tried with cylindrical decals and texture maps but it just ends up like a sticker or wine label rather than individual letters on the glass.

As a last resort I’m trimming out the logo and flowing onto the glass which works but is painstaking on a detailed object. I though applying a PNG with no background would work but it didn’t! Any help appreciated!

png image without background should work. can you upload the file and the texture to check it?

Rhino 7 will use the alpha in the png when applying the decal but it will only show up on glass in Raytraced mode or when running Render. What you describe was an issue still in Rhino 6 where the decal would take on the transparency or reflection properties from the objects material rather than using it’s alpha.

Check out this video