I’m quite new to grasshopper and I have a more complex mesh, where i would like the outside surface to more like a single mesh or at least bigger mesh faces that would allow me to use the wrap function in solidworks so I can refine the model. I’ve already tried different mesh exports, or trying to get the outside curves and loft it into a smoother surface, or try to convert it to nurbs, but even when I reduce the mesh by quite a bit and convert it to quads, it still seems to be too computational to turn it into nurbs surfaces. Furthermore when I convert it to quads it keeps messing with the flat top part of the mesh and distorting it. I’ve also tried to maybe turn it into a solid brep but that hasn’t worked out well for me either.
I was wondering if maybe we could “wrap” the outside of the mesh with some smoother surfaces instead maybe. I’m not sure what the best solution is, but so far all things I’ve tried have been unsatisfactory, and I was hoping for some help.
model2.3dm (7.6 MB)
I did not get you question clearly. Although with my understanding of your questions maybe shrinkwrap option from rhino 8 can be useful to get a cleaner mesh from this complex existing mesh.
I have seen that the shrinkwrap option is available from rhino8, but at this moment I’m limited to rhino 7, so I’ve been trying to find a better way to do it in rhino 7.
So to make it more simple, I need the current mesh file to be more easily edible, to simplify the process of getting a result like this, where it has been refined in solidworks. But this required a lot of stitching surfaces together and it’s not optimal nor easily automated for similar models with a different dimensions.
As you can see the red arrows point to a smooth single surface, which is something I was trying to either achieve in grasshopper itself, or to make at least the mest easier to work with so that stitching the surfaces in solidworks and cleaning up the model is less work.
as you can see the outer surface needs a tiny strip, extruded cut all around the surface.
Furthermore it needs to have some filleting and some additional modifcations, so the most ideal would be to do that in grasshopper, but I’m more skilled in solidworks so I figured if I can just improve the mesh, so when I export it to SW it will be easier to edit/modfiy.
However when I do a quadremesh which I feel like will make it the easiest to edit, as you can see the top starts to distort.