I’d like to reset my WIP installation to all the defaults.
A toolbar reset I noticed still kept my custom positioned panels.
Aliases and customized options are also not obviously reset.
Should I uninstall and reinstall?
However even than I believe some plugins from V5 are ported to V6?
I think you want to delete any schemes - just Default if you haven’t created any special ones - from the registry… The scheme contains all the customizing info, aliases, etc. If the Default scheme is missing, Rhino re-creates it from scratch with the defaults.
As far as plug-ins go, it’s more difficult, there’s no “unload plug-in” yet, but you can load protect them at least. All the plug-ins are in the registry just above schemes, but I don’t remember if deleting the appropriate ones - you have to look at them all - is all you need to do or if that will provoke some warning message somewhere that a particular plug-in is not found…