How to adjust leader width for rendering

I am making renditions using Flamingo and I use leaders to label objects. My problem is that all leaders are made of very thin lines. How can I make leader lines thicker? The leaders are shown in the enclosed drawing.


You might want to try activating the PrintDisplay (make sure State=On in the command line and Thickness=40 for instance) > launch the Flamingo rendering and enable “Wires & Text” in the Post Effects of the finalized rendered image.


Vanessa wrote: You might want to try activating the PrintDisplay…

Thanks! It does work when the print width (in mm) multiplied
by the print display thickness equals at least 100. Smaller values produce
hairlines. It took me about 15 minutes of experimentation to discover this
anomaly. Rhino help file does not mention this anomaly.

By the way, I miss the old Rhino newsgroup:

There is lots of useful info in this newsgroup, but there is
no way to access it because McNeel abandoned it.

There was never a meaningful way to access the information contained therein: there were no search possibilities to speak of and access from multiple devices was awkward if not impossible. People die. Things die. It is sad. We grief. We go on. Welcome to life - and soon 2016 :wink:

I agree the help item on this is a little “terse”. It could explain better how the multiplier is arrived at and what it does. As the curve width does not change with the zoom level, it just decides how many pixels wide the curve should be. Looks like a setting of 100 for thickness and a print width of 1.00 (mm) results in a display width of 10 pixels - if you have AA turned off. Therefore I deduce that

pixel width = (print width * thickness setting) / 10

This ‘formula’ seems to check out at other thickness and print width settings. It’s a fairly arbitrary scale, but there is no real way to correlate the screen display with how it will print on paper, unless you somehow take into account the zoom level and calibrate your screen.

The latest “News” from the old newsgroup would now be two and a half years old. I don’t think the info would be all that reliable anymore in any case. At least here you have some real search tools, a modern interface with far more capabilities, plus the fact that we now reach a much wider audience than before.

The traffic here is far greater than it ever was on the newsgroup. If I’m reading it correctly, this is the 29,914th topic (thread) posted since Discourse opened its doors in July 2013. I don’t know what the average number of posts per topic is, but if we set it at around 4, we are at about 50K posts per year (@stevebaer probably has the total number of posts available) . That’s far more than the around 25K we used to get on the newsgroup, more than half of which came from a group of only 25 people.


Rhino for windows
"I agree the help item on this is a little “terse”."

Boy, will I agree with that!

I would say that any time your users are working to produce interesting formulas to explain what your program is doing, you have something that needs to be fixed.

I’m trying to see what an object will look like with engraved lines of various widths, without printing it.

Of course I can offset a curve by half of the width on both sides, cap the ends, join things to make a closed curve, and hatch the enclosed area. Then I can look at the resulting thing at any magnification I want. I don’t have to think about the pixel resolution of my display (unless I get real far away). But that’s lots of work on my part. I assume this is about what the Print command does.

Rhino already has “LinetypeDisplay”. Why not have “LineWidthDisplay”? Yes, I’m aware it takes lots of CPU power/time if I turn it on. But I’m willing to wait … it will take less time than the work I would have to do to do it myself in the previous paragraph.