I’m trying to make a topography for an island beyond a series of stepped contours.
Using a “patch” command created warped results and a “mesh patch” just froze.
I used the vertices from the contour polylines to create a “delaunay mesh” which created the results I desired. I’m also happy that I can modify the mesh as the project develops. The problem is the resulting mesh extends beyond the circumference of the island.
I don’t know how to modify this to only created a mesh within the boundary of the island or to trim/split+delete the excess I do not want.
I tried “meshbooleansplit” using an extrusion of the islands perimeter, but it removed the inside of the island and retained the outside where ocean is.
I also did a ‘meshtonurb’ which allowed me to split and delete / trim the excess, but now I’ve lost the ability to further manipulate the surface as far as I know.
can someone help me with how to do this. I am a novice.
unnamed2.gh (828.1 KB)
the mesh surface
the island outline
the results of meshbooleansplit rhino command