How do i unroll for lasercut

Hello beautiful people. We need some help for our university project. We need to unroll all our surfaces so that we can make a real life model. We have a Grasshopper ready but we cant use it. Can anyone help? (9.3 MB)

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Have you tried UnrollSrf command? :smiley:

yes i have! but the parts are not attached to each other. i want them to unroll like this example below where the parts are connected !

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Ok, did you try these options then?

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yeah we’ve tried it! but we want the same result as the image above. So we want to do it automatically from grasshopper but the code we used on the previous model doesnt seem to comply with this rhino model we have and we cant make it work.

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in Rhino you do that with UnjoinEdge, i did not look at the grasshopper file, but i assume there you would have to define where to unjoin either

So, we dont want to unjoin the surfaces we want them to be unrolled so it can be processed by the laser cutter

if you unjoin the edges and unroll them they will go apart exactly as you have defined, that is the whole sense of unjoinEdge as far as i can tell.

meantime i had a quick check at your grasshopper file after all and also installed all the plugins, but there is one component which does not seem supported, maybe its because i am running mac, or its because its an old definition. if you scroll in you see some parts orange, that means that there is some input issue, following that back it leads to this

the white box, if you have the same issue then you might have to try to use an older Rhino.

there is also a different plugin called ivy, you find that on food4rhino either, i assume it also creates the flaps which you can define but i have never really used it and that is where my help ends.

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also if you have no experience using Rhino, just to be sure when you use UnrollSrf, that you uncheck explode, then the parts will not detach.

UnjoinEdge has by the way nothing to do with Exploding Surfaces (unjoining surfaces) as you write, there might be some mix up either.

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