How can I alter spring dia keeping wire dia and pitch same?


I need to alter this ext dia 0.55inch spring to 0.5 ext dia, keeping wire dia and pitch same.

Also after that is done, how can one compress it, (clone a copy first though), to fit between boss and edge of box.
resize spring to 0.5 ext dia keep dia of wire and pitch.3dm (3.3 MB)



Redraw it to the correct size, including the compressed length. Unless you had history on when you made it, so you can adjust the sizes.

There’s no other feature of Rhino that does what you ask.

I think you would need to go back to the centerline of the spring (you do have that around somewhere, don’t you?) and make your modification via scale 2D and then reapply the piping to give the wire diameter.

Do you think that would work?

I should have the centre line , never ever throw anything away.
so scale 2D spring diameter,X and Z and not Y, so keeping the spacing pitch of the spring (Y) from changing.
Pipe it. trim flat the ends again.
Then scale 1D spring length to compress it. pipe it and trim again.
