Honeybee runenergysimulation error: 1. Solution exception:HBHivegeneration
Hi, I am trying to run an radiance energy simulation but I am having an issue with the runenergysimulation. Attached below shows the error " 1. Solution exception:HBHivegeneration " when i turn on the boolean toggle at _writeIdf .
May I know how do I solve this error?
Also the version of my energyplus is 9-3-0 - if this is an issue, may I check where is the link to download a lower version such as 8-7-0?
Attached below is my rhino 7 file and gh script and the version of honeybee i am using is 0.0.66
HoneyBee Tutorial (3rd Attempt) backup.3dm (200.2 KB)
Honey Bee Tutorial (3rd Attempt) 0.0.66 version.gh (177.3 KB)