Honeybee flying error

These errors occur while flying honeybee… any guidance!

  1. Honeybee cannot find RADIANCE folder on your system.
    Make sure you have RADIANCE installed on your system.
    You won’t be able to run daylighting studies without RADIANCE.
    A good place to install RADIANCE is c:\radiance

  2. Honeybee cannot find DAYSIM folder on your system.
    Make sure you have DAYISM installed on your system.
    You won’t be able to run annual climate-based daylighting studies without DAYSIM.
    A good place to install DAYSIM is c:\DAYSIM

  3. Honeybee cannot find a compatible LBNL THERM installation on your system.
    You won’t be able to run THERM simulations of heat flow through constructions.
    You need THERM version 7.5 or above and you can download it from here:

  4. https://windows.lbl.gov/software/therm

To make these errors disappear, you will have to install those programs. Use a search engine to find where you can download them.

Also, for quicker and more qualified answers, please use the dedicated discourse forum for LB|HB which you can find here: https://discourse.ladybug.tools/