Hello, I am having an issue where I am trying to flow a wave curve along a srf using the flow along srf tool. I go through the process of unrolling my srf and positioning the crv on the srf ensuring it connects at both points. When I try to flow the crv, it begins in the correct target position, but it won’t curve around the object, like it is not mapping correctly.
I tried this process with a perfect rounded srf and it worked great, wondering if it is an issue with the surface shape or something else.
I’ve attached a screenshot with my rounded square srf and the round object I was able to perform the unroll/roll functions on.
Try to unroll using UnrollSrfUV. AFAIK target surface should not be polysurface to be able to flow curve along surfaces the way you (I presume) expect.
Upload a .3dm file with you inputs and results. You can upload by clicking on the vertical arrow above where you type a post, or by dragging the file to where you type a post.
Izazix - I was able to successfully unroll the srf using that command, but I’ll have to test and see how to get the curve to flow on the separate pieces. It is on the attached file if you don’t mind taking a look.