Help with surface?

Have anyone some suggestions how to create a surface from these curves?
I would like to be able to nudge the surface via the points, since the curves are created with CurveThroughPoints and History.

But if thats not possible , I can probably manage otherwise…


BASQUAI.3dm (2.8 MB)

‘Curve Network’ command may help you here, you may have to select the curves individually

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You can get it somewhere close by Lofting the horizontal curves and then finishing off by hand but I think you’ll struggle with it all in one go:


BASQUAI -.3dm (671.8 KB)


I’m interested to know how you closed the top end in a single surface…


sweet ! splitting the edge curve… and deselecting the parallel curve
Thank you very much :slight_smile:

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Ah ha! I was caught out by the parallel curve you deselected, thanks for the video

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