Help with shape in brep and list items

Hi guys, I have this house that I want to create spherical holes in using spheres that I generated. I tried using ‘solid difference’ and ‘split brep’ but some shapes (railing bars) that are completely within the circle don’t get deleted.
I resorted to ‘shape in brep’ where if I’m correct I can split all the objects into lists depending on if they’re either inside, intersecting, or outside the spheres. The issue is I’m not sure what to do with the 0 1 and 2 values it spits out, and how to use the value list to trim/delete the shapes.
Any help would be appreciated, if there is a much easier method to achieve what I want I’d love to hear it!

There can be a lot of reasons why your boolean operations failed.

It would help if you could upload a file with all geometries and what you have tried in Grasshopper so far. (984.8 KB)

Here’s a cleaned up version of what I’ve been doing. I learnt how to separate my groups but I realized that my shape in brep information has been consistently wrong. I’m wondering if my shapes are too complicated and if shapes in brep isn’t able to handle it.
Thanks for any help!

keep in mind my final goal is to trim breps that are intersecting the spheres and delete ones that are fully inside

I would not sort the relation output.

Your house consists if 33 closed polysurfaces and to find out which sphere intersects with which of the house breps you need to create a data structure first. It can be done with the ‘Longest’ component. (990.3 KB)

In the end you can run a solid difference with the parts that intersect and here’s your swiss cheese house:

Does that mean you want to subtract the spheres which are fully inside a brep from that brep? This is possible but I think easier in Rhino that Grasshopper…

Ooh ok i see what you did there. Thanks a lot for the help it worked perfectly. Only thing is it wasn’t showing parts of the house that didn’t interact with the spheres but I was easily able to fix that using the collision component.

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