Hello! HELP please with Grasshopper. I need this arcs in different sizes and loft them I think… How to loft them and make an project something like waves?.. Thank you!!
arcs.gh (32.2 KB)
Hello! HELP please with Grasshopper. I need this arcs in different sizes and loft them I think… How to loft them and make an project something like waves?.. Thank you!!
arcs.gh (32.2 KB)
there are many many ways to do that.
You can do something like this and use “Square”, so curves are well ordered
You can add noise instead of noise
But how to do it with my project? If I am aplying Trim Tree and Loft it is happening not in correct way…
Some arcs are done, but with others it is problem… And there is easy way to change their sizes to make really like waves?
Do you mean waves like this?
arcs a.gh (35.3 KB)
yes, thank you! but it is still not working for other arcs… how to make all arcs like this?
Please post a file (*.gh) with just the useful portion. It is very hard to find the good code in the previous file.
arcs c.gh (70.0 KB)
If the goal is something “realistic” and/or “random” (say “like” ocean waves) then you need a Simplex Noise OR way better a Phillips Wave Simulation (miles faster and better looking). Notify if you want an entry level C# that does the Simplex part.
BTW: If this is some sort of AEC envelope then a Mesh is rather the way to go for many reasons (doing a truss and/or the skin itselft etc etc).
I’ve got a GH script that makes surfaces like this:
Can you please just add (or maybe change just a little something) to mine gh file. I need to make a project as on picture.
arcs.3dm (38.4 KB)
Can you please just add (or maybe change just a little something) to mine gh file. I need to make a project as on picture.
How much change is “just a little”? Are you here to learn or just to get people to work for you?
P.S. Is this what you mean by “just a little”?
P.P.S. I didn’t even try to understand or improve your code, I added “just a little”.
I just started to learn it and I already submitted what I did before, so I can’t change something that much. But I stuck on this point, thats why I am asking help. So no need here some comments to my side, ok
You can change anything you want. That’s what you are asking us to do. You still need help
I can’t change what I did already, this part submitted already. What you did is really good, thank you! If you can explain also what you did, like why you used these components it would be really good. What on image is what I needed, thank you.
The bottom half of that image is in the GH code I posted. The top half is very similar except I added code (TStat, Shift and Branch) to ignore the vertical lines at the left edge. I used -1 as the Shift ‘S’ input value. You need to examine the output of every component; I recommend temporary text panels for that.
Why not, what is stopping you?