Help with extracted projections

Hi Everyone,

I need your input! :slight_smile:

I want to automate the creation of red polysurface in picture.
The gray polysurface is a part, and the red polysurface is suppose to be a fixture for milling.
I would like to have the outer peremiters of the gray part as stock peremiter, but I then want it projected to z0 from top view. (so that it becomes the red part)

Please give me your best thoughts on how to tackle this issue.


If you have the top red surface, just extrude it downside with the option Solid or not.

Hello - It’s not quite automated but the steps I’d try first are

ExtractSrf copies of the lower faces of the gray, and Join the results. Assuming these are simple as in your image, ProjectToCPlane a copy. DupBorder on both and Loft between the curves. Join…



Thanks for the thoughts.

If you have the top red surface, just extrude it downside with the option Solid or not.

No I don’t have the red solid, Thats the one I’m trying to create.
The thing I’m tring to achive is something like creating a mould for milling.

ExtractSrf copies of the lower faces of the gray, and Join the results. Assuming these are simple as in your image, ProjectToCPlane a copy. DupBorder on both and Loft between the curves. Join…

That’s one way, but lets say,and I should have made an better example, that the bottom side isn’t one surface and angled in may different diretions.
Like thisone:

Maybe I have missed some fantastic funtion in Rhino the last 7 years.
Please hit me with a nice solution :slight_smile:


Here’s what I had in mind - in case it helps:


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That is probably one good solution to my problem, I will try it out.
The files I use it on have somtimes about 100 surfaces, but prehaps I can use this with ease using your method.
Thanks Pascal

could “extrudeface to boundary” be the simplest solution?
if the gray is solid you need to add a plane at z=0 and use the extrudeface to get what, from my phone, looks the result.

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Hi skysurfer,

please tell me the correct funtion name and I’ll give it a try. Can’t find it in comandpromt.


_ExtrudeSrf has a _ToBoundary option once the surface to be extruded has been selected. A macro would look something like this:


If you start the ExtrudeSrf command, you should then be able to pick subsurfaces from a polysurface.

HTH, --Mitch


Ah, grate tip!
But due to the complex surfaces I think I’ll will stick to Pascals suggestion for now.
Even if it takes a bit more time, I seam to have control of all edges.
But with time I might change my mind.

Thanks for the help!