HELP - uniform surface with _Surface From Points_

Hi guys,
I hope someone could help me.
It’s hard for me to explain my problem I’ll try to do my best.

I made a script in GH that slices a polysurface with equispaced planes to reconstruct a new single surface on top of the orignal that can be used to Flow a complex pattern.
Everithing works well but one thing.
If I use the equidistant points the surface get “stretched” at the side because is missing “the second row of CVs”
So I added an extra row of point at 1/3 of the distance to get a perfectly even uniform surface… but is not working.

My question is: Where should it be the “2nd cvs row” to get a perfectly uniform surface?
@BrianJ , @Peter_Salzman , @davidcockey, @menno any hint ? PLEASE!
Thank you in advance.

Here the file:

20240919_Discourse_Help.3dm (3.3 MB)

You need to upload the Grasshopper file or at least post a clear image of the Grasshopper screen. Without knowing how what method is used to construct the new surface it is difficult to provide assistance.

Hi David,
thanks for your reply.
I’ll try to clarify my request more:

This is not the file I’m working on because I’ve NDA but the problem is the same.
How to achive an uniform srf using the Surface from Points component.

This is the script:

preatty easy.

This is the result I get compared with the original srf and a srf made using the Rhino rebuild:

This is where the 2 srfs differs:

The second row of Cv is even spaced in my srf but is much closer to the egde in the rebuild version.
My question is:
How can I add the extra row of point in order to get the same as the rebuild? (a perfect uniform surface)

@skysurfer This is as close as I can get.

I’m not sure why they’re different to be honest. Maybe it’s a tolerance thing with this Pufferfish component versus the command.