So I have a “hawk character” head. All quads, high poly count. I split it in half to help with processing:
I convert it to SubD because I intend to turn it into NURBS.
I’ve done this many times but usually I rely on Fusion360 to go from QuadMesh to T-Splines then to Brep. This model, however, seems too much for Fusion and it just crashes it no matter the power of the PC I’m using.
In Rhino, I convert the Quad mesh to SubD without an issue. When I run the ToNURBS command, it stays in “Converting to NURBS… Press Esc to cancel” - the conversion seems indefinite and I just force-quit it because pressing Esc does not cancel it.
Task Manager does not say Rhino isn’t responding, though. But it’s definitely stuck. Should I just wait and leave it overnight?
Interestingly, if I go into Grasshopper, internalize the SubD then connect to a ‘brep’ component, it doesn’t get stuck, it ‘converts’ after ~30 seconds, but results in an equally-dense polysurface (one brep face per quad face):
However, what I truly want is the ‘patchy’ appearance, like this one:
How do I make sure I obtain that? Should the object be a full object (mirrored and welded) instead of the half version? Or is this related to Rhino 8 (pardon my ignorance in the question, previously I was using SubDs in V7).
Thank you in advance for your advice. Let me know if you need a file.